Help us Collect 300 Pillows in 30 Days!
This month we are hosting our 2nd Pillow Drive, with the goal of collecting and/or raising funds for 300 pillows in 30 days! Pillows are a particularly difficult item for us to get, as we do not accept used pillows — only new ones, still in the packaging. Of course, most donors we collect furniture […]
Win $10,000 ($5,000 for you, $5,000 for New Life Furniture) via the Piggest Raffle Ever!
Join us as we get ready for the 20th annnual Flying Pig Marathon! Once again, New Life Furniture Bank is participating in “The Piggest Raffle Ever.” For only $5, you get to “adopt” a pig with a portion of the proceeds going to New Life Furniture. Even better, the winner of this rafffle gets $10,000 […]