What Does A Furniture Bank Do?
New Life Furniture Bank works exclusively with Greater Cincinnati social service agencies to provide furniture to people in need. We deliver furniture to households on a referral basis through partner agencies.

Our Distribution Model
We will pick up your gently used furniture and provide it to someone in need. Learn more about what we accept and schedule a pickup.
Our Impact
New Life Furniture Bank provides new & gently used furniture and household items to families and individuals in the Greater Cincinnati area who are leaving homelessness, escaping abuse and living in extreme poverty.

2024 Donations & Impact
Furniture and Household Items Delivered
People Served (almost ½ Are children)
Households Furnished
Partnering Agencies
What Our Clients Say
“Thank you for allowing us to maintain pride & dignity, may God bless & keep you all!”
Domestic Abuse Victim
“I thank God that there are still caring and loving people in the world like you and your family”
“We can sit together and eat, do homework, and watch t.v. as a family. We feel normal again”
Single Mother